Saturday, January 6, 2018

Cuba -- Tom's favorite image

This was Tom's favorite photo from our recent trip to Cuba, it was from a small village where the people were "not poor" (our guide told us, but they have nothing, no shoes for the kids, no toilets, nothing). We brought puzzles for the kids and since it was Feliz Navidad we brought chocolate and we brought cheater glasses for the adults. Our guide said that they were "not poor" because that had enough to eat. There is a sort of irony, with so many children in the USA going hungry every day, that even in the poorest village where the people had nothing, that the children were not hungry.

This was Tom's favorite image because the couple ended up comfortable enough with us that towards the end of our visit, after introducing us to her children's families she sat on her husband's lap and Tom created this image of the two of them. Tom earned this photo, because of who he is inside.

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