Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Lisa Cuchara, PhD, Cr.Photog., HonNEC, and Tom Cuchara, MNEC

When we presented at the (awesome and well run) Smokey Mountain FotoFest our title slide up before my introduction, and the audience inquired "what are all those initials after your name?"

Lisa Cuchara, PhD, Cr.Photog., HonNEC, and Tom Cuchara, MNEC

The Photographic Craftsman (Cr.Photog.) degree is awarded by the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) for service as an orator, author or mentor. This degree shows that you have gone beyond the creation of images and dedicated your time to move the industry forward and encourage education. Cr.Photog. is one of the highest recognitions for speaking, writing, or mentoring on photography; it positions the photographer as an authority in the industry.

MNEC is awarded to those who have performed exceptional service for the Council during a period of not less than five years, and/or have substantially advanced photography in the New England area through lecturing, teaching, judging, and through other administrative activities in photographic organizations for the same period. This honor is limited to a maximum of five each year. The New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) is a non-profit umbrella group for over 70 camera clubs in the New England states. Tom and I were awarded MNEC in 2010.

HonNEC is awarded for superior leadership in the operation of our Council and superior photographic leadership in the New England area. For achieving substantial and outstanding recognition in the field of photography through activities for a minimum of ten years through lecturing, judging, writing, and administrative activities in the New England area. Lisa received the designation of HonNEC “in 2015 For her outstanding dedication to New England Camera Club Council using her extensive organizational skills and knowledge to serve as its blog master, social media liaison, webmaster and executive board member; for her longstanding continued service in many diverse roles for local camera organizations; for her tireless efforts to promote the photographic arts; she routinely lectures for New England Camera Club Council and camera clubs and conferences in the New England area; she constantly provides formal and informal teaching leading classes in photography concepts in the classroom as well as in field workshops; for her role as a sought-after judge providing dynamic and constructive critiques; for her photographic achievements and exemplary exhibition records. With her commitment and vast knowledge of photography, Lisa epitomizes the concept of the dedicated professional.”

and lastly, I have a PhD in Molecular Immunology, after which I worked at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland and then at Yale University School of Medicine where I was in charge of the Organ Transplant Laboratory. 

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